EVA (Eye & Vision Analyzer) — a revolutionary automated integrated system to evaluate the vision of people.
EThe EVA measures 75 visual parameters in 15 minutes (which significantly exceeds the industry-standard 6 parameters in about 30 minutes) including to the traditional eye exam additional features such as visual functions analysis, diagnosis and therapy.
The goal of the project is to carry out an evolution of EVA, so that after studying other brain functions related to vision, use this information for complex diagnostics and therapy in the following areas:
- neurophysiological diagnoses (neuroophthalmology);
- neuropsychological diagnoses (e.g., dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD), etc.);
- preliminary diagnosis of neurodegenerative pathologies (such as Parkinson, Alzheimer, sclerosis, ALS, etc.);
- behavioral therapy.